Friday, August 28, 2009

Yo Yo Yo~

i'll be away i dunno how long it's take
maybe a day , maybe a week , maybe a month or maybe a year,
coz my new sem is in this Monday , and i'll take part time job as well,
so i'm think i'll not online like i'm used to be.
Kena kerja kuat barulah boleh berjaya >.<

Sunday, August 16, 2009

MTV World Stage

Oh man, last 2 day, i got a call from Hitz.Fm
and it's about the MTV World Stage ticket. So i bet i must be a lucky person to have it on the last day before that event begin. The situation looks so real to me, and i've followed all the instruction that person give to me. In my heart , i was feeling i'll go to MTV World Stage tomorow , i so excited u know?
Suddenly, they said it was a prank, and i was like " oh man, my ticket~~~ "

hahahahahaha , quite funny and it's great!
thanks to adlina , emily ,and who else yeah in this group? :P
u guys are rock! give me 5 babe~ x)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Miss You, Tasha....

Di tengah malam ni, aku teringatkan seseorang, dah bertahun aku menunggu die.
Tapi sayang seribu kali sayang, aku sudah tak dpt m'hubungi die lagi,
entah kenapa, aku rase rindu sgt kat die since 1/12/07 .

Sha, if awak baca blog ni..
please contact sy, sy betul2 rindukan gelak, senyum and peribadi awk.
awk la satu2 nye girl yg bukak pintu hati sy utk menyintai seseorang dgn lebih sempurna, i really miss you sha :(

this is pic of her,




Sunday, August 2, 2009

1 Terengganu Food Fruits Feista

Today my mom asking me whether i want follow them to Bukit Jalil or not, i'm asking why and she said got some fiesta . And i were like " oh , okay~ "
And here it comes, sharp 8 pm , whole family go to Bukit Jalil and we reach about 8.40 after finish park the car.

First thing we do , go to durian stall where they give durian to all visitor and i took a lot of it. While eating , i saw a lot of pretty girl there and I were like " wah! Terengganu also got pretty girl aa? ". And that's the beginning of my 2nd mission "FIND PRETTY GIRL" and i realize there were a lot of pretty girl , yet uncountable . After that , i go around Bukit Jalil to look what food and fruits there, while searching , i accidentally speak to one girl when i was about to take the food ( didnt remember the name of food ) and she talk with terengganu slang which i understand 80% only . And i'm quite blur to reply back , and talk about 1-2 minutes before leave the scene . It were like WOW! I so happy tonight , my stomach fulled , my mood happy , i saw a lot of pretty girl . What else did i want? I wonder if i can get take some pic but unfortunately, we didnt bring any camera .
Well , i guess it's all i want to talk about . I'm so happy ! Yeay!
Good Night guys! x)